It's times like these (in the face of overwhelming devastation as in Haiti), we have a choice…
We can either give up and say our part matters little because it seems so insignificant when facing such a GOLIATH… OR, we can believe in a God who is much bigger and trust that every single act of kindness makes a difference.
I believe God sees the hidden acts of love and it moves His heart. So thank you for reaching down into your pockets and offering to do something for the people of Haiti. I pray the Lord's love, mercy and joy overwhelm you! God calls you Hepzabah which means His delight is in you. Why? Just because… He loves you, because he loves you because he loves you! He doesn't base how He feels towards you with any contingencies. His desire towards you is not for anything you DO but just because of who you ARE!
May you be filled with His most gracious and abundant blessings!!!
On behalf of Haiti Thank you, thank, you thank you for being conduits of Hope.
Mary Ann
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