Healing touch, energy healing, somatic movement therapy, contemplative dance, authentic movement, breathing, guided imagery, health and wellness, St. Louis, immune system, spiritual, cranial sacral, lymphatic
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~Manage Stress

~Relieve Back Pain

~Breathe More Freely

~Relieve Stiff Neck and Shoulders

~Reduce Joint and TMJ Discomfort

~Improve Flexibility/Coordination

~Enjoy Activities with Greater Ease

~Speed Recuperation after Surgery

Somatic movement therapy re-educates the neuromuscular system toward greater health and well-being. Mary Francis uses hands-on movement techniques for this purpose and also teaches simple movement sequences that can be practiced at home or in groups.  She will include practical meditation techniques and visualizations to access the wisdom of the body and mind.  Doing this work can help in facing stress, pain, and illness.  This process may enhance the functioning of the body's immune system.

Mary Francis integrates simple effective cranio-sacral work. She also uses Touch for Health, level 1 techniques. Mary Francis also incorporates into her work Authentic Movement which is a therapeutic process created by Mary Whitehouse.

Mary Francis has developed her own method which is an integrated approach using these 5 elements:


In Association With
Dr. Simon Yu, M.D.

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Copyright 2015 The Soma Connection                 namaste.maryfrancis@gmail.com           Site creation: Show Me Webcenters