Healing touch, energy healing, somatic movement therapy, contemplative dance, authentic movement, breathing, guided imagery, health and wellness, St. Louis, immune system, spiritual, cranial sacral, lymphatic
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Mary Francis Hoffman is a Doctor of the philosophy of Transpersonal Psychology and holds a doctoral certificate in Creative Expression. Dr. Hoffman is internationally registered as a somatic educator and therapist. She is also a certified yoga instructor. She is trained in the art of Contemplative Dance/authentic movement. This practice is the focus of much of her teaching and work. She is a member of the Jungian Society of St. Louis. She is currently serving on the Leadership board of the college of arts and sciences for Maryville University. She is published in the journal of Transpersonal Psychology and in the Eurotas newsletter. She has 25 years experience in health and wellness,recovery groups and creative play with individuals, business and civic groups. Dr. Mary Francis has facilitated many workshops with the focus of understanding our relationship with Nature. The Grace of Physicality, and Eco-Spirituality to name a few.


In a field I am the absence of field.
 This is always the case. Wherever I am,
    I am what is missing.  When I walk, I part the air
and always the air moves in to fill the spaces where my body's been.
      We all have reasons for moving.  I move to keep things whole.
                                                                                                ....Mark Strand

Copyright 2015 The Soma Connection                 namaste.maryfrancis@gmail.com           Site creation: Show Me Webcenters